Oh what a night, round tables at a festive board dining after a lodge meeting, surely not! Yes, we did it at Abbot Baldwin, at our meeting this week. The feedback from everyone that I spoke to claimed it was a great success with brethren involved in open discussions andRead More →

Dear members, we’re excited to announce that the latest 2023-2024 Yearbook is now live and available for viewing under the “Useful Info” section.Read More →

Following our recent AGM please see reports below for viewing. 30.06.23 Accounts Review of Accounts 2021 -22 Minutes of AGM 06 Jun 2023 Chairmans Report 2023 Columns Update Treasurers Commentary 2023 Marketing Brief 2023Read More →

In my last Annual Report, I mentioned the irregular year which we had experienced, with specific reference to Covid 19 and the negative impact which this had imposed both on our Masonic Meetings and on external bookings. On a more positive note, the past 12 months have seen not onlyRead More →