Dear all, I am very pleased to let you have the details and booking form for our traditional Lodge Christmas Lunch to which you and your families are cordially invited. As well as yourselves we very much look forward to seeing old friends from other lodges and especially our lodgeRead More →

Brethren, this Report concludes my first full year as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Hall Company. During this period, I am delighted to say that the Board has been further enhanced by several experienced brethren, who have agreed to join the Board. These include Paul Rayner,Read More →

AGENDA for Annual General Meeting of St Edmundsbury Masonic Hall Company Meeting on Thursday 31st March 2022 at 7.00 pm. Apologies for absence. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on Friday 22nd November 2019 Matters arising (other than those included within the agenda). Chairman’s report Treasurer’s report andRead More →